Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Coincidence? Or Conspiracy?

I don't buy into conspiracy theories, but this is just too close for comfort.

What would you say if I told you that someone had written an op-ed article about the credit crisis back in February, outlining everything that has come to pass in the past 30 days. And what if I told you that person was then exposed for his own lack of judgment and publicly humiliated and disgraced in March.

Would you think it just a coincidence? Or is it a conspiracy? Judge for yourself by reading this article by ... you guessed it, Eliot Spitzer, the former governor of New York State.

I think this article hit too close to home for the Bush administration. They sent the FBI in to dig up whatever dirt they could find on Spitzer and unfortunately for Eliot, and for us, they found Ashley Alexandra Dupre and the Emperor's Club. They brought down Spitzer in spectacular fashion and guess what - this article got buried.

Spitzer was just a distraction, boys and girls.

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